Student Life

Whether you are a new or returning student, we want Oshki-Wenjack to feel like home. Find out about the services and supports we provide to our student community.

Welcome to Oshki-Wenjack

From student orientation to amenities on campus, from student services to IT support, we want you to always feel welcome, respected and supported throughout your learning journey.

On this page you will find links to information about some of the services and amenities we provide for students at Oshki-Wenjack. There is also information to help you when your studies bring you to Thunder Bay. Scroll down the page for more information.


Student Orientation

To get you settled, each school year begins with a comprehensive orientation session. This is your best way to learn about everything to do with your learning journey at Oshki-Wenjack.

Download the Student Orientation Information

More information about Student Orientation

Student Services

Our goal is for you, your family and your community to feel great about you choosing an Oshki-Wenjack program. Whether you’re looking for elder support, tutoring, counselling, help finding a dentist, doctor, need to phone or advice on the best pizza, the Student Services office is there to help you.

More information about Student Services

Student Amenities

We’re proud to offer students great on-campus amenities that will make Oshki-Wenjack feel like your home away from home.

More information about Student Amenities

IT Support

With so much of the school year happening online, IT support is more important than ever. Visit our IT Support page to learn about what support is available for you.

More information about IT support

Living in Thunder Bay

Some of the most important considerations for students visiting Thundery Bay are short-term accommodations, how to get around while in town, and what childcare is available.

Living in Thunder Bay

Our Accredited Partners

Canadore CollegeSault CollegeConfederation CollegeAlgoma UniversityBrock UniversityNipissing University

Main Campus

Address: 106 Centennial Square,
Thunder Bay, Ontario, P7E 1H3

Toll Free: 1 (866) 63-OSHKI (67454)


Business Mailing Address

Address: 14-656 City Road,
Fort William First Nation, Ontario, P7J 1K3

Phone: (807) 626-1880


Oshki-Wenjack respectfully acknowledges its campus is located on the traditional lands of the Anishinaabe peoples of Fort William First Nation, Signatory to the Robinson Superior Treaty of 1850. We also recognize the contributions made to our community by the Métis people. © Copyright 2020 by Oshki-Pimache-O-Win. All Rights Reserved.
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